Dean's Message

Welcome to the School of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia. I do hope that your virtual visit to our information portal will be sufficient for you to know who we are, what we can offer and how we have performed as an academic school. More importantly, I wish that the information offered here will meet your expectation and in many ways, you can and will be part of our activities, either as students, postgraduates, staff or partners.
Since the school’s inception in 1992, the School of Chemical Engineering has gained its capacity incrementally, first to ensure that all academic programmes were offered professionally and to ensure that the graduates produced were of the highest quality and much sought by the industry and employers. Overcoming the inception period satisfactorily, the school then gathered strength in the research and development arena and was able to be a respectable school in terms of research carried out and research output produced. The second half of the first decade of this century has witnessed the school ascending to the apex especially in terms of publications in high impact factor ISI peer reviewed international journals.
I am here to add on to the building blocks of the past administration and the spirit that had prevailed in the school. In support of USM’s APEX mission, the School of Chemical Engineering would like to bridge the gaps that exist in various sectors, especially in relation to the industry. I belief that we need to build on our research and publication reputation, and to now ensure that all our effort give impact to the industry, society and humanity. In the true spirit of the USM’s APEX drive, we need to elevate our prowess towards this status.
I take this opportunity to thank those in the school who have worked hard to position the school to where we are now. However, we are not to “rest on our laurels”, as we need now to go to the next level. I invite everybody, the school members, students, postgraduates and partners, to work together towards helping humanity achieve all the noble aspirations that all of us can achieve together. I hope that the School of Chemical Engineering of USM will have a significant role in such endeavor.
Thank you for visiting us and please do not hesitate to contact me or the school if you have any inquiries.
Regards and my best wishes.
Professor Ir. Dr. Zainal Ahmad