School of Chemical Engineering Students Win Awards at NRIC 2013
Penang 22 June – Young researchers from the School of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia bagged two awards at the Novel Research and Innovation Competition 2013 (NRIC 2013) last night. The researchers of Meor Muhammad Hafiz Shah Buddin, 23 and Muhammad Razif Abdul Razak, 23 were beaming with excitement and pride when their hard work and innovation were rewarded and recognized as beneficial to the society at large.
The innovative product, “M.O.S: Non-Toxic and Biodegradable Coagulant from Natural Resource”, was judged to be among the 13 other products that won gold at the competition. The awards were to acknowledge young researchers who had taken great initiative to contribute and initiate sustainability development in the country. M.O.S. stands for Moringa Oleifera Seeds, offers the most cost effective solution for wastewater treatment. Conventional coagulants commonly employed are chemical based, typically metal formulate (Alum and PAC) which are not only costly but raise concerns on health-related issues due to its residual metal level.
According to Meor, he and his group members did not expect their invention to win two awards, The Best Presenter Award and Sustainable / Green Technology Award since the competition was deemed to be very strong with more than 133 research products vying for the top award.
The win, however, proved that the effort to focus research on sustainability-related issues is very relevant and appropriate to the pursuit of healthier living and sustainable development. Meor added that, “This research focuses on taking the advantages of moringa oleifera as our biodegradable coagulant, using the nature’s gift and convert them into something useful in our daily life”.
Meor and his colleagues received RM 1,000 and trophy for The Best Presenter Award, RM 3,000 for Sustainable / Green Technology Award together with certificates and gifts from USM’s Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dato’ Omar Osman. Organized by the Student Representative Council of Universiti Sains Malaysia with a theme of Bridging First Class Research & Innovation Through Sustainability Empowerment, NRIC 2013 provides a golden opportunity for the best research products to be chosen to represent Malaysia at international competitions such as the upcoming British Invention Show.