USM is the overall champion in NACES 2013

PENANG, 11 November 2013 – Universiti Sains Malaysia has emerged as the overall champion for the National Chemical Engineering Symposium 2013 (NACES 2013) hosted by Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Pulau Pinang.
NACES is an annual event for chemical engineering undergraduate students in Malaysia. NACES provides a platform for chemical engineering students to compete, share experiences and opinions on the issues relevant to the chemical engineering world such as environmental and sustainability issues. The theme for NACES 2013 was "Carbon Conundrum : Unraveling The Enigma". A total of 237 delegates from 15 higher educational institutions participated in this event.

There are 6 categories of competitions; Technical Plant Design, Technical Powerpoint Presentation, Technical Video Presentation, Technical Case Study, Chemical Engineering Challenge as well as Technical Essay Writing.
School of Chemical Engineering (SCE), USM had sent out a strong contingent comprising of 21 students with mixed groups from second, third and fourth-year undergraduate students for all 6 categories of competitions. As a result of the commitment shown by the contingent they clinched the overall champions of the NACES 2013.
The overall performance of USM contingent for NACES 2013 is as follow:
i. Technical Plant Design – 1st Runner Up
- Beh Jyh Jiunn
- Muhammad Rasyad Bin Alawidin
- Mohamad Farhan Bin Nordin
- Yvonne Lease
ii. Technical Powerpoint Presentation – Champion
- Gwee Shang Jun
- Mohamed Azeem Bin Abdul Majed
- Vjayan A/L Thrumakunasagran
- Wong Kuan Hwa
iii. Technical Video Presentation – Champion
- Lau Kok Leong
- Zulfida Mohamad Hafis Bin Mohd Shafie
Technical Video Presentation – 1st Runner Up
- Joanna Tai Wan Yii
- Leslie Ewe Fang Jun
iv. Technical Essay Writing – Top 10 Essays
- Lim Fung Khiang
v. Chemical Engineering Challenge – 4th Place
- Lee Wen Jie
- Leong Ann Tsun
- Lim Fung Khiang
- Ng Wei Ming
vi. Technical Case Study – 1st Place
- Loh Kar Woon
Technical Case Study – 2nd Runner Up
- Norhayati Binti Nordin

This was the best ever performance by USM contingent in NACES. This was down to the collective efforts by all members of School of Chemical Engineering of USM including lecturers, technicians, supporting students and last but not least the participants of USM contingents. Congratulations to the School of Chemical Engineering of USM for becoming the overall champion in NACES 2013.