USM Emerges Overall Champion In Naces 2014

PERAK, 30 November 2014 – Universiti Sains Malaysia had emerged as the overall champion for the National Chemical Engineering Symposium 2014 (NACES 2014) hosted by Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP), Perak.
National Chemical Engineering Symposium (NACES) is an annual event organized by Chemical Engineering Student Society in collaboration with Chemical Engineering departments of all respected universities and Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) of Malaysia. NACES provides a platform for chemical engineering students to compete, share experiences and opinions on the issues relevant to the chemical engineering world such as environmental and sustainability issues. The theme for NACES 2014 was "Sustainable energy: Green technology for better tomorrow".
School of Chemical Engineering (SCE), USM had sent out a strong contingent comprising of 23 students with mixed groups from second, third and fourth-year undergraduate students. As a result of the commitment shown by the contingent, again they clinched the overall champion title of NACES 2014. Congratulations to the School of Chemical Engineering, USM for becoming the overall champion in NACES for 2 times in a row.
The overall performance of USM contingent for NACES 2014 is as follows:
i. Technical Video Presentation – Champion
- Law Li Chin
- Vasyanthan A/L Pandiyan
Technical Video Presentation – 1st Runner Up
- Derbin The
- Koay Xin Heng
ii. Technical Case Study – Champion
- Nor Asmah binti Azizan
iii. Technical Powerpoint Presentation – 1st Runner Up
- Ku Kit Ting
- Nur Dina Zaulkiflee
- Loh Kar Woon
- Wong Win Yee
iv. Technical Essay Writing – 2nd Runner Up
- Wong Kang Choon
v. Chemical Engineering Challenge – 1st Runner Up
- Lau Boon Key
- Eu Kean Wei
- Yong Zhi Zhuang
- Tan Li Hui