Jackie praised the Chemical Engineering undergraduate students on their achievements during their years at the School

26-27 September 2018; As parts of the programme’s evaluation, such that it is at par with other international institutions of higher learning, an External Examiner of the programme needs to prepare a comprehensive report from the perspective of the curriculum, the laboratory equipment used as well as the students themselves.

This year marked the second visit of Professor Jackie Y. Ying of the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, (IBN), Singapore after her second appointment as the External Examiner of the Chemical Engineering programme, Universiti Sains Malaysia.

Jackie in one of her comments said that she was impressed of the improvement carried out by the faculty members regarding the number of elective courses offered by the School. It was from one of her suggestions during her first visit to the School in 2016 upon evaluating the curriculum offered then. In order to be relevant to the current issues, the School needs to follow the trend of what the world is actually required now, she addressed.

She also said that the traditional chemical engineering courses run by the School is impressive, particularly to cater the current chemical industries within the country. However, for a university to be within the world ranking, it must also follow the current agenda and that is into the information technology and computing savvy based on the trend of a number of developed countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom.

Within her stringent schedule, Professor Ying also managed to take a few minutes of her time to visit the Industrial Training Showcase held at the Auditorium Foyer later in the afternoon on her first day of the visit.

Before she departed on the 27th September, she reminded the faculty members in one of the meetings that one could never work in silo as the impact will not be as one would really expect. She shared one of her experiences with her colleagues at IBN that working in collaboration with people of different expertise could bring extra nudge towards greater results. The group in the end managed to have a spin-off company from such collaboration.

The School is very honoured to have a great scientist of her calibre to be an External Examiner, her advice and reminders would be beneficial in bringing the School to a greater height in years to come.
Text by : Prof. Madya Mohamad Hekarl Uzir
Photographer : Mohd Rasydan Omar
Photographer : Mohd Rasydan Omar