Opening Ceremony of Fabrication Workshop

13 February 2019; Opening Ceremony of fabrication workshop located in Chemical Engineering Integrated Research Space (CEIRS), SCE was officially launched by Professor IR. Dr. Zainal Ahmad as the Dean of the School of Chemical Engineering .

The event was also attended by Deputy Dean (academic, careers and international) Associate Professor Dr. Syamsul Rizal Abd Shukor, Lab Manager, Pn Rosni Mohamad Yusof and lecturers involved. All staff and students also participated in the event.

This fabricated workshop has a variety of sophisticated fabrication machines such as lathe, milling, TIG welding, MIG welding and grinding machine which aims to offer design and fabrication services to goverment agencies and private sectors.Among the services offered are equipment design, fabrication, installation, testing and commissioning, equipment and training services.

The opening of this fabrication workshop is a School of Chemical Engineering initiative to fullfill research requirement. It is hoped that this fabrication workshop will help increase university income.
Text : Azrina & Rosni
Photo : Rasydan