BLUE KNIGHT is the Champion of KIKEK 2019!

20 March 2019, Chemical Engineering Students Society (ChESS club) successfully organized the school’s yearly event, Karnival Interaksi Kejuruteraan Kimia (KIKEK 2019) lead by the project director, Na Yong Sik. KIKEK is a platform designed with full of fun sports in creating a strong bonding between staffs, lecturers and students.

The inspiring opening speech delivered by our school’s Deputy Dean of Academic, Career and International, Associate Professor Dr. Syamsul Rizal Abd. Syukur.

Aerobics session led by first and second-year students attracted everyone to participate and follow their steps. Tele matches and 4 X 400m relay are among the activities that excited the attendees. Simultaneously, badminton and futsal games are contested.

As the clock strikes 6.50 pm, the closing ceremony and the most anticipated award presentation to the winners. All the four teams won separate categories and as the master of ceremony was about to announce the overall champion of KIKEK 2019, everyone was excited and it was between the purple warriors and the blue knights. And the winner is...... ‘BLUE TEAM!!’ With much joy, all the blue knights went out of their seats and rushed to take a group photo with Dr. Syamsul and received the prize. The event ended with the token of appreciation given to Dr. Syamsul by Na Yong Sik. We are looking forward to KIKEK 2020!
Text by: Na Yong Sik
Photo by: Faizal & MR. Rasydan

The inspiring opening speech delivered by our school’s Deputy Dean of Academic, Career and International, Associate Professor Dr. Syamsul Rizal Abd. Syukur.

Aerobics session led by first and second-year students attracted everyone to participate and follow their steps. Tele matches and 4 X 400m relay are among the activities that excited the attendees. Simultaneously, badminton and futsal games are contested.

As the clock strikes 6.50 pm, the closing ceremony and the most anticipated award presentation to the winners. All the four teams won separate categories and as the master of ceremony was about to announce the overall champion of KIKEK 2019, everyone was excited and it was between the purple warriors and the blue knights. And the winner is...... ‘BLUE TEAM!!’ With much joy, all the blue knights went out of their seats and rushed to take a group photo with Dr. Syamsul and received the prize. The event ended with the token of appreciation given to Dr. Syamsul by Na Yong Sik. We are looking forward to KIKEK 2020!
Photo by: Faizal & MR. Rasydan