2014 SCE USM Engagement with Community
1. Assoc. Prof. Mohd Azmier Ahmad presented a lecture titled "Contribution of Chemical Engineering in Environmental Sustainability" to the students and parents in conjunction with the Environmental Programme of SK Permatang Pasir, Bandar Baharu, Kedah on Feb 9, 2014.

2. Dr. Ismail Suzylawati delivered a lecture titled "Membrane Technology for Sustainable Water Treatment" to SMK Alang Iskandar's community at Bagan Serai, Perak, on 1st March 2014.

3. Dr. Suzylawati Ismail gave a talk titled "Effective Studying Techniques & Student Motivation" to students of SMK Alang Iskandar, Bagan Serai, Perak on April 29, 2014.

4. Prof. Abdul Rahman and Assoc. Prof. Mohd Azmier Ahmad were invited to deliver a lecture on research and innovation at the Malay College Kuala Kangsar (MCKK) on April 8, 2014 motivate students from surrounding areas.

5. Assoc. Prof. Mohd Azmier Ahmad was invited to give lecture on engineering profession to Form 5 Science students from SM Science Raja Tun Azlan Shah, Taiping on April 12, 2014. The program was also attended by representatives from 11 boarding schools (SBP) throughout the country.

6. Dr. Abd Suhairi Sata was invited to officially launch the 2014 Earth Day Celebration at MRSM Taiping on April 21, 2014.

7. Program "An Engineer to be 3rd Edition" between SCE as facilitators and students of the SK Tengku Mahmud, Terengganu was held on 1-2 May 2014.

8. 18 SCE's students participated in the program organized by the Corporate Conscience Circle cluster, USM on May 18, 2014 at Jeniang, Kedah. This program involves seeds planting in collaboration with the State Forest Department of Kedah and also Sumirubber Industries (K) Sdn. Bhd.

9. Assoc. Prof. Mohd Azmier Ahmad presented a lecture titled "Contribution of Chemical Engineer in Environmental Sustainability" to 65 students of SK Tengku Mahmud, Terengganu on 1st May 2014 at SCE.

10. Assoc. Prof. Mohd Azmier Ahmad presented a lecture titled "Motivational talk on Excellent Education" to 140 students of SMKA Nibong Tebal on November 16, 2014.
11. Assoc. Prof. Mohd Azmier Ahmad delivered a speech titled "Influence of spiritual and intellectual intelligence in sustainable life" to 100 students of SMA Shamsul Marif Al-Wataniah, Tanjong Piandang, Perak on October 25, 2014.
12. Assoc. Prof. Mohd Azmier Ahmad presented a lecture titled "Anak Soleh Melestarikan Keluarga Bahagia" to 80 families from Masjid Nibong Tebal, Pulau Pinang on Oktober 18, 2014.
13. 50 SCE's students participated in the program " "Melestarikan Taman Rekreasi Ampang Jajar" organized by the Corporate Conscience Circle cluster, USM on December 6, 2014. This program involves USM, MPSP, local residence of Ampang Jajar and local industry.

14. Assoc. Prof. Ooi Boon Seng, Assoc. Prof. Lim Jit Kang, Dr. Low Siew Chun and Dr. Derek Chan Juinn Chieh involve in "Mini Science Fair" at SJK(C) Yok Eng as fasilitator on November 16, 2014.

9. Assoc. Prof. Mohd Azmier Ahmad presented a lecture titled "Contribution of Chemical Engineer in Environmental Sustainability" to 65 students of SK Tengku Mahmud, Terengganu on 1st May 2014 at SCE.

10. Assoc. Prof. Mohd Azmier Ahmad presented a lecture titled "Motivational talk on Excellent Education" to 140 students of SMKA Nibong Tebal on November 16, 2014.
11. Assoc. Prof. Mohd Azmier Ahmad delivered a speech titled "Influence of spiritual and intellectual intelligence in sustainable life" to 100 students of SMA Shamsul Marif Al-Wataniah, Tanjong Piandang, Perak on October 25, 2014.
12. Assoc. Prof. Mohd Azmier Ahmad presented a lecture titled "Anak Soleh Melestarikan Keluarga Bahagia" to 80 families from Masjid Nibong Tebal, Pulau Pinang on Oktober 18, 2014.
13. 50 SCE's students participated in the program " "Melestarikan Taman Rekreasi Ampang Jajar" organized by the Corporate Conscience Circle cluster, USM on December 6, 2014. This program involves USM, MPSP, local residence of Ampang Jajar and local industry.

14. Assoc. Prof. Ooi Boon Seng, Assoc. Prof. Lim Jit Kang, Dr. Low Siew Chun and Dr. Derek Chan Juinn Chieh involve in "Mini Science Fair" at SJK(C) Yok Eng as fasilitator on November 16, 2014.