2nd Postgraduate Colloquium, School of Chemical Engineering. Thank you to all participants.

This year marked the 2nd edition of the School of Chemical Engineering (SCHE) Postgraduate Colloquium 2020 since it was first organized by the School of Chemical Engineering in 2019. The SCHE Postgraduates Colloquium aimed as a platform for the postgraduates to share their research, knowledge and as a preparation for viva presentation as well as to built confidence in writing papers and presentation.

Prior to the opening ceremony, the Dean of the School of Chemical Engineering, Professor Ir. Dr. Zainal bin Ahmad welcomed and congratulates the participants those take the challenges to submit the papers and presenting their research in this special event. In his opening remark, Professor Ir. Dr. Zainal stressed on the successful and big contribution for the school’s KPI where it majorly came from the research publication from the postgraduates student. Therefore, it is importance to maintain or even improve the reputations of school through paper publications, where academicians and students, both should play a role, take part and action.

A total of 57 participants took part in this colloquium with a purpose of exchanging ideas, views and knowledge from the half day sessions in 4 different parallel sessions. The research from various fields has included membrane separations, nanotechnology, biotechnology, reaction, environmental, extractions etc.

As a bonus for the postgraduates’ students, the colloquium also provided a Sharing Session : “How to Publish While Completing Your Studies” from our respective Professor Ahmad Zuhairi Abdullah. Such an informative and inspiring session.

It is hoped that SCHE Postgraduates Colloquium will continue to be a platform for the postgraduates to share their research and contributes papers for the next coming years.

Apart of this colloquium, the Memorial Fund was also launched as a momento of the late Professor Dr. Mashitah Mat Don, former academic staff of the School of Chemical Engineering. The Memorial Fund is to continue the legacy of excellence in research, learning and teaching at the School of Chemical Engineering.
May we meet again in 2021 for SCHE Postgraduates Colloquium 3rd series.
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Text by: Dr. Syahida Farhan Azha- Fellow Postdoctoral SChE USM
Photo by: Rasydan Omar