Qualifications: B.Eng., M.Sc. (USM), Ph.D. (UM)
Expertise: Activated Carbon, Carbon Molecular Sieves (CMS), CMS Membrane, Adsorption, Pyrolysis, Waste/Biomass Utilization
- A. Aziz, M.F.M. Yusop, M.A. Ahmad (2024). Harnessing microwave energy to transform nephelium lappaceum l. peel into activated carbon for chloramphenicol eradication in aqueous solutions, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 318, 129311.
- A.S. Bded, M.A. Ahmad (2024). Enhancing heavy crude oil flowability using vegetable sesame oil extract as bio-additives, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (In press).
- M.F.M. Yusop, A.Z. Abdullah, M.A. Ahmad (2024). Amoxicillin adsorption from aqueous solution by Cu (II) modified lemon peel based activated carbon: Mass transfer simulation, surface area prediction and F-test on isotherm and kinetic models, Powder Technology, 438, 119589.
- H. Hassan, M.A. Ahmad, N.D.A. Zali, M.Z. Musa, F. Senusi (2024). Co-pyrolysis of palm kernel shell and discarded medical bottle for biofuel production: Synergistic effect and product distribution, Waste Management Bulletin, 1, 182-194.
- A. Aziz, H. Hassan, M.A. Ahmad (2023). Chloramphenicol and methylene blue adsorption by modestly treated paper sewage sludge‑based activated carbon, Chemical Papers, 77, 7551-7561.
- N. Abdillah, M.F.M. Yusop, N.H.M. Kamal, M.A. Ahmad (2023). Single-stage microwave-irradiated activated carbon from corncob for ammonia nitrogen removal: Batch, attraction mechanism and regeneration studies, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 158, 111672.
- M.F.M. Yusop, A.Z. Abdullah, M.A. Ahmad (2023). Adsorption of remazol brilliant blue R dye onto jackfruit peel based activated carbon: Optimization and simulation for mass transfer and surface area prediction, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 158, 111721.
- M.N.N. Khan, M.F.M. Yusop, M.F.P.M. Latiff, M.A. Ahmad (2023). Utilization of landscape biomass waste as activated carbon to scavenge oxytetracycline: Attraction mechanism, batch and continuous studies, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2023, 16(11), 105256.
- M.N.N. Khan, M.F.M. Yusop, M.F.P. Latif, M.A. Ahmad (2023). Alteration of Tecoma chip wood waste into microwave-irradiated activated carbon for amoxicillin removal: Optimization and batch studies, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 16, 105110.
- S.I. Anthonysamy, M.F.M. Yusop, H. Ismail, M.A. Ahmad (2023). Chloramphenicol removal from aqueous solution using sodium bicarbonate-impregnated coconut husk-derived activated carbon: Optimization and insight mechanism study, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 48, 15999-16022.
- Production of microwave-assisted carbon adsorbent for wastewater treatment.
- Production of carbon molecular sieve for gas separation.
- Pyrolysis of biomass/agrowaste for solid fuel/char production.
- Mohamad Nasran: Development of low-cost adsorbent for EDC removal in urban wastewater effluent.
- Asaad Salim Bded Alibraheemi: Transportation of waxy crude oils at low temperatures.
- Erniza Mohd Johan Jaya: Removal of emerging contaminant and heavy metals in aqueous solution via adsorption process.
- Md Mamoon Rashid: Development of abundant metal catalysts.
- Mohammad Salem Abdullah Nemat Alhwaiti: Advanced of solid adsorbent technologies for treatment industrial mine wastewater discharges from Jordan Phosphate Mines.
- Mukarram Zubair: Engineered biochar functionalized with layered double hydroxide and CNC/chitosan for dye water purification.
- Mohamad Razif Mohd Ramli: Biomass modified by CuFe layered for levofloxacin and ciprofloxcin removal from aqueous solution.
- Al-Rikabi Muna Naeemah Ghdhaib: Fast microwave-assisted pyrolysis of wastes for biofuels production.
- Mohammad Salem Abdullah Nemat Alhwaiti: Advanced of solid adsorbent technologies for treatment industrial mine wastewater discharges from Jordan phosphate mines.
- Tan Kai Qi: Valorisation of plastic waste to syngas hydrocarbon production through thermal catalytic pyrolysis.
- Al-Rikabi Muna Naeemah Ghdhaib: Fast microwave-assisted pyrolysis of wastes for biofuels production.
- Noorhidayah Ishak: Synthesis and characterization of molecularly imprinted polymer particle amide decorated nanocavities for CO2 capture via surface imprinting.
- Nik Iqbal Bin Nik Ismail: Green synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticle.
- Mohammed Abobakr Salem Al-Maari: Study on co-pyrolysis of oil palm empty fruit bunch with low-density polyethylene for bio-oil production.
- Nurlailah Abdillah: Development of total maximum daily load (TMDL) for Putat River as an approach for management of river water quality.
- Eleena Yasmeen Mohd Hamdan: Biomass modified by CuFe layered for norfloxacin removal from aqueous solution.
- Farihah Luqman: Adsorption of Caffein from aqueous solution by biomass modified by CuFe layered.