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Qualifications: B.Eng., M.Sc. (USM), Ph.D. (UM)
Expertise: Activated Carbon, Carbon Molecular Sieves (CMS), CMS Membrane, Adsorption, Pyrolysis, Waste/Biomass Utilization


    1. A. Aziz, M.F.M. Yusop, M.A. Ahmad (2024). Harnessing microwave energy to transform nephelium lappaceum l. peel into activated carbon for chloramphenicol eradication in aqueous solutions, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 318, 129311.
    2. A.S. Bded, M.A. Ahmad (2024). Enhancing heavy crude oil flowability using vegetable sesame oil extract as bio-additives, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (In press).
    3. M.F.M. Yusop, A.Z. Abdullah, M.A. Ahmad (2024). Amoxicillin adsorption from aqueous solution by Cu (II) modified lemon peel based activated carbon: Mass transfer simulation, surface area prediction and F-test on isotherm and kinetic models, Powder Technology, 438, 119589.
    4. H. Hassan, M.A. Ahmad, N.D.A. Zali, M.Z. Musa, F. Senusi (2024). Co-pyrolysis of palm kernel shell and discarded medical bottle for biofuel production: Synergistic effect and product distribution, Waste Management Bulletin, 1, 182-194.
    5. A. Aziz, H. Hassan, M.A. Ahmad (2023). Chloramphenicol and methylene blue adsorption by modestly treated paper sewage sludge‑based activated carbon, Chemical Papers, 77, 7551-7561.
    6. N. Abdillah, M.F.M. Yusop, N.H.M. Kamal, M.A. Ahmad (2023). Single-stage microwave-irradiated activated carbon from corncob for ammonia nitrogen removal: Batch, attraction mechanism and regeneration studies, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 158, 111672.
    7. M.F.M. Yusop, A.Z. Abdullah, M.A. Ahmad (2023). Adsorption of remazol brilliant blue R dye onto jackfruit peel based activated carbon: Optimization and simulation for mass transfer and surface area prediction, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 158, 111721.
    8. M.N.N. Khan, M.F.M. Yusop, M.F.P.M. Latiff, M.A. Ahmad (2023). Utilization of landscape biomass waste as activated carbon to scavenge oxytetracycline: Attraction mechanism, batch and continuous studies, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2023, 16(11), 105256.
    9. M.N.N. Khan, M.F.M. Yusop, M.F.P. Latif, M.A. Ahmad (2023). Alteration of Tecoma chip wood waste into microwave-irradiated activated carbon for amoxicillin removal: Optimization and batch studies, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 16, 105110.
    10. S.I. Anthonysamy, M.F.M. Yusop, H. Ismail, M.A. Ahmad (2023). Chloramphenicol removal from aqueous solution using sodium bicarbonate-impregnated coconut husk-derived activated carbon: Optimization and insight mechanism study, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 48, 15999-16022.
    1. Production of microwave-assisted carbon adsorbent for wastewater treatment.
    2. Production of carbon molecular sieve for gas separation.
    3. Pyrolysis of biomass/agrowaste for solid fuel/char production.
    1. Mohamad Nasran: Development of low-cost adsorbent for EDC removal in urban wastewater effluent.
    2. Asaad Salim Bded Alibraheemi: Transportation of waxy crude oils at low temperatures.
    3. Erniza Mohd Johan Jaya: Removal of emerging contaminant and heavy metals in aqueous solution via adsorption process.
    4. Md Mamoon Rashid: Development of abundant metal catalysts.
    5. Mohammad Salem Abdullah Nemat Alhwaiti: Advanced of solid adsorbent technologies for treatment industrial mine wastewater discharges from Jordan Phosphate Mines.
    6. Mukarram Zubair: Engineered biochar functionalized with layered double hydroxide and CNC/chitosan for dye water purification.
    7. Mohamad Razif Mohd Ramli: Biomass modified by CuFe layered for levofloxacin and ciprofloxcin removal from aqueous solution.
    8. Al-Rikabi Muna Naeemah Ghdhaib: Fast microwave-assisted pyrolysis of wastes for biofuels production.
    9. Mohammad Salem Abdullah Nemat Alhwaiti: Advanced of solid adsorbent technologies for treatment industrial mine wastewater discharges from Jordan phosphate mines.
    10. Tan Kai Qi: Valorisation of plastic waste to syngas hydrocarbon production through thermal catalytic pyrolysis.
    11. Al-Rikabi Muna Naeemah Ghdhaib: Fast microwave-assisted pyrolysis of wastes for biofuels production.
    12. Noorhidayah Ishak: Synthesis and characterization of molecularly imprinted polymer particle amide decorated nanocavities for CO2 capture via surface imprinting.
    1. Nik Iqbal Bin Nik Ismail: Green synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticle.
    2. Mohammed Abobakr Salem Al-Maari: Study on co-pyrolysis of oil palm empty fruit bunch with low-density polyethylene for bio-oil production.
    3. Nurlailah Abdillah: Development of total maximum daily load (TMDL) for Putat River as an approach for management of river water quality.
    4. Eleena Yasmeen Mohd Hamdan: Biomass modified by CuFe layered for norfloxacin removal from aqueous solution.
    5. Farihah Luqman: Adsorption of Caffein from aqueous solution by biomass modified by CuFe layered.