Qualifications: Dip. (UTM), B.Eng. (Surrey), M.Sc. (Distinction), Ph.D. (Newcastle)
Expertise: Artificial Neural Networks(Multiple Neural Networks), Process Modeling, Model Based Process Control, Neural Network Applications In Chemical Processes
Current Position : Dean (School of Chemical Engineering)
- Z. Ahmad, N. A. Rahim, Alireza Bahadori & Jie Zhang (2017): Improving Water Quality Index Prediction in Perak River Basin Malaysia through the Combination of Multiple Neural Networks, International Journal of River Basin Management 15 (1) , pp: 79-87, DOI: 10.1080/15715124.2016.1256297IAHR.
- Z. Ahmad, N. A. Rahim, Alireza Bahadori & Jie Zhang (2017). AIR POLLUITON INDEX PREDICTION USING MULTIPLE NEURAL NETWORKS, IIUM Journal of Engineering, Accepted in press.
- Ahmad Z., Bahadori A., Zhang J., 2017, Prediction of combustion efficiency using multiple neural networks, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 56, 85-90 DOI:10.3303/CET1756015.
- Rahim N.A., Ahmad Z., 2017, Graphical user interface application in MatlabTM environment for water and air quality process monitoring, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 56, 97-102 DOI:10.3303/CET1756017.
- See Lee Foon, Nazira Anisa Rahim, Ahmad Zainal, Zhang Jie.2017. Selective combination in multiple neural networks predictionsing independent component regression approach, Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin 19: 12-19.
- Features selection in modelling using multivariable approach
- Reliable Data Based Process Modelling and Monitoring For Process Industry.
- Development of soft sensor for monitoring and control
- Experimental, Modelling and Control of Lactone Bio-Polymerization Process Using Neural Networks.
- Operator Training Simulator Using Plant wide Control for Biodiesel Production from Waste Cooking Oil
- Development of Nonlinear Bio-polymerization Process using Neural Networks Model: Case study Bio-polymerization of lactones to polyester.
- Development of Neural Controller for MIMO Nonlinear System.
- Development of Environmental Quality Predictor Using Feedforward Artificial Neural Network (FANN) in Matlab Graphical User Interface (GUI)